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Relayer Calls on BEX

Relayer calls allow an end-user to sign a BEX command using an off-chain EIP-712 signature. This signed command can then be executed inside an Ethereum transaction sent by a third-party relayer. The user can optionally "tip" the relayer to compensate for the gas cost.

function userCmdRelayer(
    uint16 callpathIdx,
    bytes cmd,
    bytes conds,
    bytes tip,
    bytes signature
) returns (bytes memory)


callpathIdxuint16The same parameter in standard userCmd and will behave identically
cmdbytesThe same parameter in standard userCmd and will behave identically
condsbytesA bytestring encoded in a fixed format that governs the conditions of the relayer call (explained below)
tipbytesA bytestring that can be empty or set using a fixed encoding scheme to specify the relayer tip (explained below)
signaturebytesThe EIP-712 signature of the command and conditions (explained below)


The conds bytestring is encoded as follows:

conds = abi.encode(
    deadline, // uint48
    alive,    // uint48
    salt,     // bytes32
    nonce,    // uint32
    relayer   // address


deadlineuint48The timestamp before which the transaction must occur, otherwise it will fail
aliveuint48The timestamp after which the transaction must occur, otherwise it will fail
saltbytes32A unique value that defines a unique nonce tracking (starting at 0), allowing for multidimensional nonces
nonceuint32A user-specific relayer nonce that increments by one on every relayer call, preventing replay attacks
relayeraddressThe address of the relayer that can execute the command; if set to address(0), the condition is unenforced


The tip bytestring can either be empty (no tip paid) or set using the following fixed encoding scheme:

tip = abi.encode(
    token,  // address
    amount, // uint128
    recv    // address


tokenaddressThe address of the token in which the tip is being paid
amountuint128The total amount of the token being paid as a tip to the relayer
recvaddressThe recipient of the relayer tip, which can be a specific address or a magic value (address(256) for msg.sender or address(512) for tx.origin)

Tips are always paid from the surplus collateral balance of the end-user. If the end-user has insufficient surplus collateral, the contract call will revert.


The signature is the EIP-712 signature of the command and conditions, constructed from the standard v, r, and s recovery signature:

signature = abi.encode(
    v, // uint8
    r, // uint256
    s  // uint256

The EIP-712 domain hash is constructed as:

const domain = {
    name: "CrocSwap",
    chainId: [chain ID],
    verifyingContract: [BEXSwapDex contract address],
    version: "1.0"

The typed content hash is constructed as:

CrocRelayerCall: [
  { name: "callpath", type: "uint8" },
  { name: "cmd", type: "bytes" },
  { name: "conds", type: "bytes" },
  { name: "tip", type: "bytes" },

Example Signature Construction in Javascript/Ethersjs

const { ethers } = require("ethers");

const signer = new ethers.Wallet("0x... private key ...");

const domain = {
  name: "CrocSwap",
  version: "1.0",
  chainId: 31337,
  verifyingContract: BEX_DEX_CONTRACT_ADDRESS,

const types = {
  CrocRelayerCall: [
    { name: "callpath", type: "uint8" },
    { name: "cmd", type: "bytes" },
    { name: "conds", type: "bytes" },
    { name: "tip", type: "bytes" },

const value = {
  callpath: callpath,
  cmd: cmd,
  conds: conds,
  tip: tip,

const signature = (await signer._signTypedData(domain, types, value)).substring(

const r = "0x" + signature.substring(0, 64);
const s = "0x" + signature.substring(64, 128);
const v = parseInt(signature.substring(128, 130), 16);

const abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder();
const encodedSignature = abiCoder.encode(
  ["uint8", "bytes32", "bytes32"],
  [v, r, s]