Using The MultiSwap Router
The BeraCrocMultiSwap
contract is a periphery contract which serves as a router for conveniently performing a series of swaps between one or more pools. This contract abstracts many of the more advanced parameters from the swap()
and userCmd()
DEX functions.
It is anticipated that the MultiSwap router be used in conjunction with some form of off-chain router as the input arguments assume the user already knows the exact sequence of swaps to perform.
The contract is deployed at
bArtio Testnet: 0x21e2C0AFd058A89FCf7caf3aEA3cB84Ae977B73D
function multiSwap (
SwapStep[] memory _steps,
uint128 _amount,
uint128 _minOut
) public payable returns (uint128 out)
struct SwapStep {
uint256 poolIdx;
address base;
address quote;
bool isBuy;
Name | Type | Description |
poolIdx | uin256 | The index of the pool to use for the swap |
base | address | The token to swap from |
quote | address | The token to swap to |
isBuy | bool | True if the user wants to pay base token and receive quote token. False if the user wants to receive base token and pay quote token |
_amount | uint128 | The quantity of input tokens to swap |
_minOut | uint128 | The minimum amount of output tokens the user is willing to receive |
Name | Type | Description |
out | uint128 | The quantity of tokens received by the user |
Solidity Example
Multihop swap of HONEY -> WBERA -> WETH
using testnet addresses
address ROUTER = 0x21e2C0AFd058A89FCf7caf3aEA3cB84Ae977B73D;
address HONEY = 0x0E4aaF1351de4c0264C5c7056Ef3777b41BD8e03;
address WBERA = 0x7507c1dc16935B82698e4C63f2746A2fCf994dF8;
address WETH = 0xE28AfD8c634946833e89ee3F122C06d7C537E8A8;
MultiSwap.SwapStep[] memory swap = new MultiSwap.SwapStep[](2);
swap[0] = MultiSwap.SwapStep(36000, HONEY, WBERA, true);
swap[1] = MultiSwap.SwapStep(36001, WETH, WBERA, false);
MultiSwap(ROUTER).multiSwap(swap, 1 ether, 0);
JavaScript Example
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
async function main() {
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(...);
const multiSwapABI = ... // see below
const routerAddress = "0x21e2C0AFd058A89FCf7caf3aEA3cB84Ae977B73D";
const multiSwap = new ethers.Contract(routerAddress, multiSwapABI, provider);
const HONEY = "0x0E4aaF1351de4c0264C5c7056Ef3777b41BD8e03";
const WBERA = "0x7507c1dc16935B82698e4C63f2746A2fCf994dF8";
const WETH = "0xE28AfD8c634946833e89ee3F122C06d7C537E8A8";
const swapSteps = [
poolIdx: 36000,
base: HONEY,
quote: WBERA,
isBuy: true,
poolIdx: 36001,
base: WETH,
quote: WBERA,
isBuy: false,
const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther("1"); // 1 ether
const minOut = 0;
const tx = await multiSwap.multiSwap(swapSteps, amount, minOut);
await tx.wait();
MultiSwap ABI
"inputs": [
"components": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "poolIdx",
"type": "uint256"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "base",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "address",
"name": "quote",
"type": "address"
"internalType": "bool",
"name": "isBuy",
"type": "bool"
"internalType": "struct MultiSwap.SwapStep[]",
"name": "_steps",
"type": "tuple[]"
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "_amount",
"type": "uint128"
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "_minOut",
"type": "uint128"
"name": "multiSwap",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint128",
"name": "out",
"type": "uint128"
"stateMutability": "payable",
"type": "function"