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Vault.sol serves as the entrypoint for all trading and liquidity operations



Returns the Vault's Authorizer.

function getAuthorizer() external view returns (IAuthorizer);


Sets a new Authorizer for the Vault. The caller must be allowed by the current Authorizer to do this. Emits an AuthorizerChanged event.

function setAuthorizer(IAuthorizer newAuthorizer) external;


Returns true if user has approved relayer to act as a relayer for them.

function hasApprovedRelayer(address user, address relayer) external view returns (bool);


Allows relayer to act as a relayer for sender if approved is true, and disallows it otherwise. Emits a RelayerApprovalChanged event.

function setRelayerApproval(address sender, address relayer, bool approved) external;

Internal Balances


Returns user's Internal Balance for a set of tokens.

function getInternalBalance(address user, IERC20[] memory tokens) external view returns (uint256[] memory);


Performs a set of user balance operations, which involve Internal Balance (deposit, withdraw or transfer) and plain ERC20 transfers using the Vault's allowance. This last feature is particularly useful for relayers, as it lets integrators reuse a user's Vault allowance. For each operation, if the caller is not sender, it must be an authorized relayer for them.

function manageUserBalance(UserBalanceOp[] memory ops) external payable;



Registers the caller account as a Pool with a given specialization setting. Returns the Pool's ID, which is used in all Pool-related functions. Pools cannot be deregistered, nor can the Pool's specialization be changed. The caller is expected to be a smart contract that implements either IGeneralPool or IMinimalSwapInfoPool, depending on the chosen specialization setting. This contract is known as the Pool's contract. Note that the same contract may register itself as multiple Pools with unique Pool IDs, or in other words, multiple Pools may share the same contract. Emits a PoolRegistered event.

function registerPool(PoolSpecialization specialization) external returns (bytes32);


Returns a Pool's contract address and specialization setting.

function getPool(bytes32 poolId) external view returns (address, PoolSpecialization);


Registers tokens for the poolId Pool. Must be called by the Pool's contract. Pools can only interact with tokens they have registered. Users join a Pool by transferring registered tokens, exit by receiving registered tokens, and can only swap registered tokens. Each token can only be registered once. For Pools with the Two Token specialization, tokens must have a length of two, that is, both tokens must be registered in the same registerTokens call, and they must be sorted in ascending order. The tokens and assetManagers arrays must have the same length, and each entry in these indicates the Asset Manager for the corresponding token. Asset Managers can manage a Pool's tokens via managePoolBalance, depositing and withdrawing them directly, and can even set their balance to arbitrary amounts. They are therefore expected to be highly secured smart contracts with sound design principles, and the decision to register an Asset Manager should not be made lightly. Pools can choose not to assign an Asset Manager to a given token by passing in the zero address. Once an Asset Manager is set, it cannot be changed except by deregistering the associated token and registering again with a different Asset Manager. Emits a TokensRegistered event.

function registerTokens(bytes32 poolId, IERC20[] memory tokens, address[] memory assetManagers) external;


Deregisters tokens for the poolId Pool. Must be called by the Pool's contract. Only registered tokens (via registerTokens) can be deregistered. Additionally, they must have zero total balance. For Pools with the Two Token specialization, tokens must have a length of two, that is, both tokens must be deregistered in the same deregisterTokens call. A deregistered token can be re-registered later on, possibly with a different Asset Manager. Emits a TokensDeregistered event.

function deregisterTokens(bytes32 poolId, IERC20[] memory tokens) external;


Returns detailed information for a Pool's registered token. cash is the number of tokens the Vault currently holds for the Pool. managed is the number of tokens withdrawn and held outside the Vault by the Pool's token Asset Manager. The Pool's total balance for token equals the sum of cash and managed. Internally, cash and managed are stored using 112 bits. No action can ever cause a Pool's token cash, managed or total balance to be greater than 2^112 - 1. lastChangeBlock is the number of the block in which token's total balance was last modified (via either a join, exit, swap, or Asset Manager update). This value is useful to avoid so-called 'sandwich attacks', for example when developing price oracles. A change of zero (e.g. caused by a swap with amount zero) is considered a change for this purpose, and will update lastChangeBlock. assetManager is the Pool's token Asset Manager.

function getPoolTokenInfo(bytes32 poolId, IERC20 token)
    returns (uint256 cash, uint256 managed, uint256 lastChangeBlock, address assetManager);


Returns a Pool's registered tokens, the total balance for each, and the latest block when any of the tokens' balances changed. The order of the tokens array is the same order that will be used in joinPool, exitPool, as well as in all Pool hooks (where applicable). Calls to registerTokens and deregisterTokens may change this order. If a Pool only registers tokens once, and these are sorted in ascending order, they will be stored in the same order as passed to registerTokens. Total balances include both tokens held by the Vault and those withdrawn by the Pool's Asset Managers. These are the amounts used by joins, exits and swaps. For a detailed breakdown of token balances, use getPoolTokenInfo instead.

function getPoolTokens(bytes32 poolId)
    returns (IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory balances, uint256 lastChangeBlock);

Joins and Exits


Called by users to join a Pool, which transfers tokens from sender into the Pool's balance. This will trigger custom Pool behavior, which will typically grant something in return to recipient - often tokenized Pool shares. If the caller is not sender, it must be an authorized relayer for them. The assets and maxAmountsIn arrays must have the same length, and each entry indicates the maximum amount to send for each asset. The amounts to send are decided by the Pool and not the Vault: it just enforces these maximums. If joining a Pool that holds WETH, it is possible to send ETH directly: the Vault will do the wrapping. To enable this mechanism, the IAsset sentinel value (the zero address) must be passed in the assets array instead of the WETH address. Note that it is not possible to combine ETH and WETH in the same join. Any excess ETH will be sent back to the caller (not the sender, which is important for relayers). assets must have the same length and order as the array returned by getPoolTokens. This prevents issues when interacting with Pools that register and deregister tokens frequently. If sending ETH however, the array must be sorted before replacing the WETH address with the ETH sentinel value (the zero address), which means the final assets array might not be sorted. Pools with no registered tokens cannot be joined. If fromInternalBalance is true, the caller's Internal Balance will be preferred: ERC20 transfers will only be made for the difference between the requested amount and Internal Balance (if any). Note that ETH cannot be withdrawn from Internal Balance: attempting to do so will trigger a revert. This causes the Vault to call the IBasePool.onJoinPool hook on the Pool's contract, where Pools implement their own custom logic. This typically requires additional information from the user (such as the expected number of Pool shares). This can be encoded in the userData argument, which is ignored by the Vault and passed directly to the Pool's contract, as is recipient. Emits a PoolBalanceChanged event.

function joinPool(bytes32 poolId, address sender, address recipient, JoinPoolRequest memory request) external payable;


Called by users to exit a Pool, which transfers tokens from the Pool's balance to recipient. This will trigger custom Pool behavior, which will typically ask for something in return from sender - often tokenized Pool shares. The amount of tokens that can be withdrawn is limited by the Pool's cash balance (see getPoolTokenInfo). If the caller is not sender, it must be an authorized relayer for them. The tokens and minAmountsOut arrays must have the same length, and each entry in these indicates the minimum token amount to receive for each token contract. The amounts to send are decided by the Pool and not the Vault: it just enforces these minimums. If exiting a Pool that holds WETH, it is possible to receive ETH directly: the Vault will do the unwrapping. To enable this mechanism, the IAsset sentinel value (the zero address) must be passed in the assets array instead of the WETH address. Note that it is not possible to combine ETH and WETH in the same exit. assets must have the same length and order as the array returned by getPoolTokens. This prevents issues when interacting with Pools that register and deregister tokens frequently. If receiving ETH however, the array must be sorted before replacing the WETH address with the ETH sentinel value (the zero address), which means the final assets array might not be sorted. Pools with no registered tokens cannot be exited. If toInternalBalance is true, the tokens will be deposited to recipient's Internal Balance. Otherwise, an ERC20 transfer will be performed. Note that ETH cannot be deposited to Internal Balance: attempting to do so will trigger a revert. minAmountsOut is the minimum amount of tokens the user expects to get out of the Pool, for each token in the tokens array. This array must match the Pool's registered tokens. This causes the Vault to call the IBasePool.onExitPool hook on the Pool's contract, where Pools implement their own custom logic. This typically requires additional information from the user (such as the expected number of Pool shares to return). This can be encoded in the userData argument, which is ignored by the Vault and passed directly to the Pool's contract. Emits a PoolBalanceChanged event.

function exitPool(bytes32 poolId, address sender, address payable recipient, ExitPoolRequest memory request) external;

Single Swaps


Performs a swap with a single Pool. If the swap is 'given in' (the number of tokens to send to the Pool is known), it returns the amount of tokens taken from the Pool, which must be greater than or equal to limit. If the swap is 'given out' (the number of tokens to take from the Pool is known), it returns the amount of tokens sent to the Pool, which must be less than or equal to limit. Internal Balance usage and the recipient are determined by the funds struct. Emits a Swap event.

function swap(SingleSwap memory singleSwap, FundManagement memory funds, uint256 limit, uint256 deadline)
    returns (uint256);

Batch Swaps


Performs a series of swaps with one or multiple Pools. In each individual swap, the caller determines either the amount of tokens sent to or received from the Pool, depending on the kind value. Returns an array with the net Vault asset balance deltas. Positive amounts represent tokens (or ETH) sent to the Vault, and negative amounts represent tokens (or ETH) sent by the Vault. Each delta corresponds to the asset at the same index in the assets array. Swaps are executed sequentially, in the order specified by the swaps array. Each array element describes a Pool, the token to be sent to this Pool, the token to receive from it, and an amount that is either amountIn or amountOut depending on the swap kind. Multihop swaps can be executed by passing an amount value of zero for a swap. This will cause the amount in/out of the previous swap to be used as the amount in for the current one. In a 'given in' swap, 'tokenIn' must equal the previous swap's tokenOut. For a 'given out' swap, tokenOut must equal the previous swap's tokenIn. The assets array contains the addresses of all assets involved in the swaps. These are either token addresses, or the IAsset sentinel value for ETH (the zero address). Each entry in the swaps array specifies tokens in and out by referencing an index in assets. Note that Pools never interact with ETH directly: it will be wrapped to or unwrapped from WETH by the Vault. Internal Balance usage, sender, and recipient are determined by the funds struct. The limits array specifies the minimum or maximum amount of each token the vault is allowed to transfer. batchSwap can be used to make a single swap, like swap does, but doing so requires more gas than the equivalent swap call. Emits Swap events.

function batchSwap(
    SwapKind kind,
    BatchSwapStep[] memory swaps,
    IAsset[] memory assets,
    FundManagement memory funds,
    int256[] memory limits,
    uint256 deadline
) external payable returns (int256[] memory);


Simulates a call to batchSwap, returning an array of Vault asset deltas. Calls to swap cannot be simulated directly, but an equivalent batchSwap call can and will yield the exact same result. Each element in the array corresponds to the asset at the same index, and indicates the number of tokens (or ETH) the Vault would take from the sender (if positive) or send to the recipient (if negative). The arguments it receives are the same that an equivalent batchSwap call would receive. Unlike batchSwap, this function performs no checks on the sender or recipient field in the funds struct. This makes it suitable to be called by off-chain applications via eth_call without needing to hold tokens, approve them for the Vault, or even know a user's address. Note that this function is not 'view' (due to implementation details): the client code must explicitly execute eth_call instead of eth_sendTransaction.

function queryBatchSwap(
    SwapKind kind,
    BatchSwapStep[] memory swaps,
    IAsset[] memory assets,
    FundManagement memory funds
) external returns (int256[] memory assetDeltas);

Flash Loans


Performs a 'flash loan', sending tokens to recipient, executing the receiveFlashLoan hook on it, and then reverting unless the tokens plus a proportional protocol fee have been returned. The tokens and amounts arrays must have the same length, and each entry in these indicates the loan amount for each token contract. tokens must be sorted in ascending order. The 'userData' field is ignored by the Vault, and forwarded as-is to recipient as part of the receiveFlashLoan call. Emits FlashLoan events.

function flashLoan(
    IFlashLoanRecipient recipient,
    IERC20[] memory tokens,
    uint256[] memory amounts,
    bytes memory userData
) external;

Asset Management


Performs a set of Pool balance operations, which may be either withdrawals, deposits or updates. Pool Balance management features batching, which means a single contract call can be used to perform multiple operations of different kinds, with different Pools and tokens, at once. For each operation, the caller must be registered as the Asset Manager for token in poolId.

function managePoolBalance(PoolBalanceOp[] memory ops) external;



Returns the current protocol fee module.

function getProtocolFeesCollector() external view returns (IProtocolFeesCollector);


*Safety mechanism to pause most Vault operations in the event of an emergency - typically detection of an error in some part of the system. The Vault can only be paused during an initial time period, after which pausing is forever disabled. While the contract is paused, the following features are disabled:

  • depositing and transferring internal balance
  • transferring external balance (using the Vault's allowance)
  • swaps
  • joining Pools
  • Asset Manager interactions Internal Balance can still be withdrawn, and Pools exited.*
function setPaused(bool paused) external;



Emitted when a new authorizer is set by setAuthorizer.

event AuthorizerChanged(IAuthorizer indexed newAuthorizer);


Emitted every time a relayer is approved or disapproved by setRelayerApproval.

event RelayerApprovalChanged(address indexed relayer, address indexed sender, bool approved);


Emitted when a user's Internal Balance changes, either from calls to manageUserBalance, or through interacting with Pools using Internal Balance. Because Internal Balance works exclusively with ERC20 tokens, ETH deposits and withdrawals will use the WETH address.

event InternalBalanceChanged(address indexed user, IERC20 indexed token, int256 delta);


Emitted when a user's Vault ERC20 allowance is used by the Vault to transfer tokens to an external account.

event ExternalBalanceTransfer(IERC20 indexed token, address indexed sender, address recipient, uint256 amount);


Emitted when a Pool is registered by calling registerPool.

event PoolRegistered(bytes32 indexed poolId, address indexed poolAddress, PoolSpecialization specialization);


Emitted when a Pool registers tokens by calling registerTokens.

event TokensRegistered(bytes32 indexed poolId, IERC20[] tokens, address[] assetManagers);


Emitted when a Pool deregisters tokens by calling deregisterTokens.

event TokensDeregistered(bytes32 indexed poolId, IERC20[] tokens);


Emitted when a user joins or exits a Pool by calling joinPool or exitPool, respectively.

event PoolBalanceChanged(
    bytes32 indexed poolId,
    address indexed liquidityProvider,
    IERC20[] tokens,
    int256[] deltas,
    uint256[] protocolFeeAmounts


Emitted for each individual swap performed by swap or batchSwap.

event Swap(
    bytes32 indexed poolId, IERC20 indexed tokenIn, IERC20 indexed tokenOut, uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOut


Emitted for each individual flash loan performed by flashLoan.

event FlashLoan(IFlashLoanRecipient indexed recipient, IERC20 indexed token, uint256 amount, uint256 feeAmount);


Emitted when a Pool's token Asset Manager alters its balance via managePoolBalance.

event PoolBalanceManaged(
    bytes32 indexed poolId, address indexed assetManager, IERC20 indexed token, int256 cashDelta, int256 managedDelta



Data for manageUserBalance operations, which include the possibility for ETH to be sent and received without manual WETH wrapping or unwrapping.

struct UserBalanceOp {
    UserBalanceOpKind kind;
    IAsset asset;
    uint256 amount;
    address sender;
    address payable recipient;


struct JoinPoolRequest {
    IAsset[] assets;
    uint256[] maxAmountsIn;
    bytes userData;
    bool fromInternalBalance;


struct ExitPoolRequest {
    IAsset[] assets;
    uint256[] minAmountsOut;
    bytes userData;
    bool toInternalBalance;


Data for a single swap executed by swap. amount is either amountIn or amountOut depending on the kind value. assetIn and assetOut are either token addresses, or the IAsset sentinel value for ETH (the zero address). Note that Pools never interact with ETH directly: it will be wrapped to or unwrapped from WETH by the Vault. The userData field is ignored by the Vault, but forwarded to the Pool in the onSwap hook, and may be used to extend swap behavior.

struct SingleSwap {
    bytes32 poolId;
    SwapKind kind;
    IAsset assetIn;
    IAsset assetOut;
    uint256 amount;
    bytes userData;


Data for each individual swap executed by batchSwap. The asset in and out fields are indexes into the assets array passed to that function, and ETH assets are converted to WETH. If amount is zero, the multihop mechanism is used to determine the actual amount based on the amount in/out from the previous swap, depending on the swap kind. The userData field is ignored by the Vault, but forwarded to the Pool in the onSwap hook, and may be used to extend swap behavior.

struct BatchSwapStep {
    bytes32 poolId;
    uint256 assetInIndex;
    uint256 assetOutIndex;
    uint256 amount;
    bytes userData;


All tokens in a swap are either sent from the sender account to the Vault, or from the Vault to the recipient account. If the caller is not sender, it must be an authorized relayer for them. If fromInternalBalance is true, the sender's Internal Balance will be preferred, performing an ERC20 transfer for the difference between the requested amount and the User's Internal Balance (if any). The sender must have allowed the Vault to use their tokens via IERC20.approve(). This matches the behavior of joinPool. If toInternalBalance is true, tokens will be deposited to recipient's internal balance instead of transferred. This matches the behavior of exitPool. Note that ETH cannot be deposited to or withdrawn from Internal Balance: attempting to do so will trigger a revert.

struct FundManagement {
    address sender;
    bool fromInternalBalance;
    address payable recipient;
    bool toInternalBalance;


struct PoolBalanceOp {
    PoolBalanceOpKind kind;
    bytes32 poolId;
    IERC20 token;
    uint256 amount;



enum UserBalanceOpKind {


enum PoolSpecialization {


enum PoolBalanceChangeKind {


enum SwapKind {


Withdrawals decrease the Pool's cash, but increase its managed balance, leaving the total balance unchanged. Deposits increase the Pool's cash, but decrease its managed balance, leaving the total balance unchanged. Updates don't affect the Pool's cash balance, but because the managed balance changes, it does alter the total. The external amount can be either increased or decreased by this call (i.e., reporting a gain or a loss).

enum PoolBalanceOpKind {