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Swap Guide

Using the Berancer SDK, users can execute swaps using the Smart Order Router (SOR) to find optimal swap paths. The SDK supports two types of swaps (see SwapKind):

  1. GivenIn - specify the exact input amount
  2. GivenOut - specify the exact output amount

Example: Exact Input Swap

In this example, we use the Berancer SDK and Ethers.js to swap HONEY for USDC using the optimal swap path.

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import {
} from "@berachain-foundation/berancer-sdk";

// Initialize provider and wallet
const RPC_URL = "";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL);
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, provider);
const balancerApi = new BalancerApi("", 80094);

// Initialize tokens
const honeyToken = new Token(CHAIN_ID, HONEY_TOKEN, 18, 'HONEY');
const usdcToken = new Token(CHAIN_ID, USDC_TOKEN, 6, 'USDC');

// Create swap amount (e.g., 1 HONEY)
const swapAmount = TokenAmount.fromHumanAmount(honeyToken, '1');

// Fetch optimal swap paths
const { paths: sorPaths } = await balancerApi.sorSwapPaths.fetchSorSwapPaths({
  chainId: CHAIN_ID,
  tokenIn: honeyToken.address,
  tokenOut: usdcToken.address,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,

const swap = new Swap({
  chainId: CHAIN_ID,
  paths: sorPaths,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,
  userData: '0x',

// Query current rates
const queryOutput = await swap.query(RPC_URL);

// Build transaction with 1% slippage
const slippage = Slippage.fromPercentage("1");
const deadline = BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000) + 60);

const callData = swap.buildCall({
  sender: wallet.address,
  recipient: wallet.address,
  wethIsEth: false,

// Approve token spending
const tokenAbi = ["function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool)"];
const honeyContract = new ethers.Contract(honeyToken.address, tokenAbi, wallet);
await honeyContract.approve(, swapAmount.amount);

// Send transaction
const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({
  data: callData.callData,
  value: callData.value,

console.log("Transaction sent:", tx.hash);

const receipt = await tx.wait();

Below we breakdown the code example above.

Helper Classes

The main helper classes we use from the SDK are:

  • BalancerApi - to query the Smart Order Router for optimized swap paths
  • Token and TokenAmount - to represent tokens and their amounts
  • Swap - to build swap queries and transactions
  • Slippage - to simplify creating limits with user defined slippage

Finding Optimal Swap Paths

The SDK uses the Smart Order Router (SOR) to find the best swap path for a given token pair:

const { paths: sorPaths } = await balancerApi.sorSwapPaths.fetchSorSwapPaths({
  chainId: CHAIN_ID,
  tokenIn: honeyToken.address,
  tokenOut: usdcToken.address,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,

The SOR considers all available liquidity to find the path that provides the best execution price.

Simulation and Price Quoting

The Swap class provides a query method to simulate the swap and get current rates:

const swap = new Swap({
  chainId: CHAIN_ID,
  paths: sorPaths,
  swapKind: SwapKind.GivenIn,

const queryOutput = await swap.query(RPC_URL);

const slippage = Slippage.fromPercentage("1");

This helps users understand the expected output amount before executing the trade.

Building the Transaction

The buildCall method prepares the transaction with the defined slippage protection and deadline:

const callData = swap.buildCall({
  sender: wallet.address,
  recipient: wallet.address,
  wethIsEth: false,